Welcome to Carbines Air

Carbines Air is a family owned business that takes pride in quality workmanship and customer satisfaction, based in Western Sydney we offer our services to our cusomters from the Syndey CBD to the Greater western and Blue Mountains region.

having over 10 years experience in the industry and working along side some of the most reputable brands, no matter your air-conditioning needs we’ve got it sorted!

Why is getting my Air-conditioner serviced important?

One of our most frequently asked questions is why should it be serviced? Here at Carbines Air we like to provide a manageable and fair cost on all our products/services and that’s why our service/diagnosis fee is less than your average car service! It has been proven to us time and time again why servicing is so important with a high volume of our customers seeing large repair bills due to neglect, needing deep cleaning, repairs on vital components and in worst cases even replacing systems. A short 15-45min service can guarantee the optimal operation of your system for seasons to come, this can improve your energy efficiency and extend the life of your system.

What can i do to protect my system?

We advise that all our clients on regularly clean their filters and outdoor systems, dirty filters and obstructions to the outdoor system can quickly lead to high electricity bills and system malfunction, if your unsure on how often these need to be done, give us a call today so we can come and advise the best maintenance plan for your air-conditioner.